Ampi, Tripura, 29th of January 2025 : With the initiative of Superintendent of Agriculture Ompi, Agri. Subdivision Gomati district distribution programme of piglets under the scheme NMEO- Oil Palm has been conducted here in office of the superintendent agriculture in Ompi nagar today. On this occasion many indigenous beneficiaries have assembled here in the Ompi superintendent office to avail piglets. Aiming to generate short term better income source for the poor farmers the concerned agriculture department has provided healthy big sized white piglets to 46 indigenous beneficiaries under Ampi Nagar RD block. The oil palm plantation beneficiaries from different VCs of the block have got this piglets scheme amenities.

Addressing the farmers Ompi BAC chairman Sindhu Chandra Jamatia has said, “The piggery project is most profitable and it is producing income in short term period. Pork has much demand in the state and like this piggery project no need large amount of investment but the carefulness and concentration of the beneficiaries are required.” The Ompi superintendent of agriculture Mr. Nibash Debbarma has provided all kinds of essential tips to the beneficiaries over the project implementation procedure and motivated them regarding the better consequence of the piggery project. After availing healthy piglets from the agriculture department the poor beneficiaries were found cheerful and thanked the concerned authority for their generous initiative.

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