Ampi, Tripura, 20th of January 2025 : With the initiative of Kosko Farmers Club warm blankets have been distributed here in Bishkilo Reang Para under Ampi Nagar RD block in Gomati Tripura today. Under the able guidance and supervision of Kosko Farmers Club president Mr. Birsingh Jamatia needy jhumia families have been selected for blankets donation and through a distribution programme conducted by the club president the families were provided warm blankets to discelerate the wintry cool sufferings of these needy mountainous Reang families.

Addressing the needy deprived Reang villagers the Kosko Farmers Club president Mr. Birsingh Jamatia has said, “We are always with the needy and distressed people. Aiming to create good livelihood in remote and backward areas our farmers club is always in promptness to generate social works to manage different kinds of helpful facilities amidst helpless hamlets and it is our genuine mission to serve human beings. Our determination is to uplift the backward class and provide them various amenities”.After gaining warm blankets the poor Reang families were found cheerful. The villagers of Bishkilo Reang Para have appreciated the philanthropic initiative of the Kosko Farmers Club and thanked the club president for his generous initiative for these distressed indigenous Reang families.
Amidst the other distinguished programme participants there were Pradip Baran Roy, state president of all Tripura Farmers Clubs. Ar. Pratichi Bhaumik, Rtd, asstt. director agriculture, Ashim Kalai, Ampi block Kishan Morcha president, Rabitra Jamatia, Amarpur BAC chairman and many others remained present in the event.
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