Shree Ostwal Films, the esteemed production house, hosted an exclusive event in Mumbai, to reveal the teaser and posters of...
Atul Ltd (Atul) is in the process of launching its novel and patented formulation, Sindica, a post-emergence herbicide with outstanding...
SquadStack, the tech-powered contact center, was honored with the esteemed title of 'CX Leader of the Year' by CX Strategy...
The compassionate community of Sancta Maria came together with a shared commitment to make a meaningful impact on the lives...
UNOX, a leading Italian brand, renowned for designing and manufacturing high-performance commercial ovens catering to the food service, retail, pastry,...
Gulshan Group, NCR's prominent real- estate developer in the NCR region, proudly announced its certification as a 'Great Place to...
Strengthening its commitment to the impact startup ecosystem, build3, a community-empowered startup studio in Goa, announces the success of its...
Bajaj Finserv Direct, a subsidiary of Bajaj Finserv Ltd., one of the country's leading and diversified financial services groups, has...
TCL Electronics, a leading consumer electronics brand, has again been recognized as the Global Top 2 TV Brand and the...
More than 200 international educators from 15 countries around the globe came together in Hanoi to innovate, problem-solve and brainstorm...