September 18, 2024


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TIPRA Motha Conducted Electoral Rally In Ampi.​

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With the initiative of Ampinagar TIPRA Motha block committee electoral rally has been conducted here in Ampi market, Gomati Tripura today. Targeting to upcoming assembly election 2023 the Motha block committee leaders including the Ampi 41 constituency candidate Pathanlal Jamatia have assembled in this electoral rally and motivated the local indigenous and Bengali people to vote TIPRA Motha candidate for better communal integration. They inspired the local people over the party vision and urged them to support the TIPRA Motha organization for their better future.

As per the report, the Ampi block Motha leaders are conducting electoral campaign here and there in every corner of the remote indigenous habitations and convincing the rural indigenous people over the Greater Tipraland and motivating them to come under the banner of TIPRA Motha for the betterment of the indigenous people of TTAADC. They have created closed relationship with the common rural people. In every indigenous majority VCs under Ampi block. Among the leaders there were Sadagar Kalai, MDC of Ampi, Ampi sub zonal chairman Deb Sadhan Jamatia and many others remained present in the rally.

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