Ampi 41 constituency MLA Sindhu Chandra Jamatia has distributed musical instruments to 9 different Band Parties (Scheduled Tribes) and Musical Groups here in Amarpur block in Gomati Tripura today. As per the report, under the scheme of Bidhayak Elaka Unnayan Prakalpa (BEUP) these musical instruments have been distributed among the band party groups in his area. Aiming to promote the professional work more active and preferable of the musical groups the musical instruments have been distributed free of cost.
After availing the instruments the band parties were found happy; they have appreciated the initiative and thanked the Ampi 41 constituency MLA Sindhu Chandra Jamatia for his generous work. Among the other distinguished participants there were BDO of Amarpur, Rabitra Jamatia, BAC chairman of Amarpur block, Raja Jamatia, social worker, Samrat Jamatia, MDC and many others remained present in the distribution programme.
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