Miscreants have attacked BJP party office at Ampinagar and Gamagur village in the evening today (19th October, 2022). The miscreants have vandalized party office houses, office articles and flags in Ampi and Gamagur village. Sources said that in Taidu also there is conflict between two groups. Furious youth gang has attacked over vehicle passengers at Gamagur village. The aggressive miscreants have broken passenger vehicle. After the accomplishment of the both parties deputation conflicts occurred in various places under Ampi block. The miscreants have created terror in front of police authority fearlessly.
Sources said that a indigenous family of BJP supporters at Gamagur village have been beaten by miscreants. As per the reports, due to sudden attack of miscreants several BJP activists have been injured in Gamagur village. According to Ampi CHC in charge, total 10 persons have been injured in different conflict incidents and one critical person has been reffered to GB hospital. Police of Ampi PS have started investigation over all these incidents and trying to detect the criminals.
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