The death anniversary of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi is observed every year in Tripura along with the rest of the country through various programmes with due dignity. Like every year, various programmes have been taken on the initiative of the Tripura Pradesh Congress. On Sunday morning, tributes were held in various parts of the state. MLA Gopal Chandra Roy and Ashish Kumar Saha hoisted the national flag and party flag at Congress Bhavan, Post office Chowmuhani in Agartala on Sunday (21st May, 2023).
After hoisting the flag, they paid homage to the former prime minister’s portrait. On this day, a blood donation camp was organized at the Congress Bhavan by the initiative of the Congress Sadar District Committee. Tripura Pradesh Congress NSUI President Samrat Roy other congress leaders and activists also paid tribute to former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi.
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