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Electricity Official Seized The Contractor’s Hook Line Used Water Pump Machine, Vibrator.

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Sabroom,  Tripura, 13th of November, 2024 : After receiving a quotation of around Rs 10 crore to block the banks of the Feni river, prominent contractor Mridul Janapati of Sabroom started the boulder construction in Ward No. 1 area of ​​Nagar Panchayat from last November.For a long time there was a complaint against this contractor for stealing electricity at the construction site. Today our representative visited the construction site and verified the allegations. Construction site water motors, vibrators, etc. equipments are running by hooking directly from the main power line. When a worker working at a construction site was asked where the power for the vibrator he was running was being taken from, he clarified that the power to fire the equipment was taken from the main line next door.

After that, when the senior manager of Sabroom TSECL was asked about this, Africhi Mog said that he is looking into the matter on the ground and after finding the truth of the complaint, he went to the construction site and seized all the wires used in the hook line. Water motor from site, including vibrator. Interacting with media  the senior manager said that he directed the contractor to appear in the office with the necessary documents by tomorrow. If necessary, legal action will be taken, he said.

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