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Handing Over Ceremony Of Ambulance.

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The handing over ceremony of Ambulance held at Aikatan Yuba Sangstha, Santipara, Agartala on Sunday (23rd October, 2022). Hon’ble Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha handed over Ambulance to Aikatan Yuba Sangstha from MLA development fund.

Hon’ble Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha said, “Ambulance is dedicated to the public at the time of medical emergencies”. The Chief Minister said this ambulance will work day and night to serve the patients. The Chief Minister also said, it is the duty of proper maintenance of this ambulance to be carried out by the people of the area and club authority. AMC Ward No. 20 Corporator Ratna Datta and local people were present in the ceremony. Local people have appreciated this good initi­ative.

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