MLA Pinaki Das Chowdhury has inaugurated Newly Constructed Building of Community Health Centre (CHC) and Animal Resource Development Department (ARDD) centre at Kamalnagar under Khowai District on Friday, (23rd December, 2022).
Four Panchayats namely Dwarikapur, West Dwarikapur, Kamalnagar and North Kamalnagar of Kalyanpur RD Block were declared as Model Villages under Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojna. Chairman of Panchayat Samiti Soumen Gope said this village Panchayats, the speed of development of the area will go further in the coming days.
MLA Pinaki Das Chowdhury said it was a historical day for Kamalnagar. He also said that the social system of this area will progress gradually through this ideal village declaration.
With the initiative of Animal Resources Development Department Government of Tripura 42 pigs and 50 goats have been distributed amidst the poor beneficiaries through this programme. As per the report, to generate family income source these poor beneficiaries were provided pigs and goats from the concerned department. The poor beneficiaries from different VCs have got this scheme benefit from the department totally free of cost for having a favourable income source for their family support. Aiming to generate family financial stability of the poor beneficiaries this concerned ARDD department has provided them all essential piggery related tips to do proper management for project succeed, sources said.
Panchayat Samiti Vice Chairman Rajib Pal, Panchayat Samiti member Raj Gobinda Chakraborty, officials and many others were remained present in the programme.
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