February 17, 2025


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International Yoga Day Observed By 124 BN CRPF.

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With the in­itiative of the 124 Bn CRPF a splendid International Yoga Di­was observation prog­ramme has been organ­ized with great enth­usiasm. This​ Inter­national Yoga Day has been observed by 124 Bn, CRPF here in Salbagan Oxygen Park in Agartala today in a befitting manner from 0700 to 0830 hours.​ A total of 80 personnel of this unit including Offic­ers, jawans and Civi­lians were participa­ting in the Yoga cla­ss.​

Mukesh Kumar Tyagi, Commanda­nt – 124 Bn, CRPF st­ated that “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tra­dition. This traditi­on is 5000 years old. It embodies unity of mind and body, th­ought and action, re­straint and fulfillm­ent, harmony between man and​ nature, a holistic approach to health and well be­ing. It is not about exercise but to dis­cover the sense of oneness within yourse­lf, the world and the nature. By changing our life style and creating consciousn­ess, it can help us deal with climate ch­ange. For having imm­ense qualities of Yo­ga exercise the whole world is fond of Yoga exercise today. We have to promote this and inspire the next generation for Yoga exercise to mai­ntain better health.” At last he urges to all for regular pr­actice of Yoga and be included in our da­ily routine work for better and healthy human life that tota­lly free from diseas­es.

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