Agartala, 14th of July, 2024 : The traditional Kharchi Puja at Khayerpur in Old Agartala has started from today (14th July, 2024). Kharchi Puja is a festival where the 14 Gods that comprise the dynastic deity. The rituals are observed for a whole week in the temple dedicated to the 14 Gods at Old Agartala. The celebrations last for seven days and people from all communities participate in the festival.
The 14 Gods are Shiva, Durga, Vishnu, Lakshmi, Vani or Saraswati, Kumar or Kartikeya, Ganapa or Ganesha, Brahma, Prithivi, Abdhi or Samudra, Ganga, Sikhi or Agni, Kamadeva and Himadri.

Hon’ble Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha inaugurated the 7 Days Long the traditional Kharchi Puja Festival and exhibition at Khayerpur, Agartala. “The culture of India is ancient and rich. This traditional art and culture is our heritage. Our society and culture will be more prosperous only if we can carry this tradition forward by the hands of the next generation. The people from all communities of the state gathered in the Kharchi Puja Festival of the 14th Gods. People of the state eagerly wait for this festival. People from all communities of the state come together in this festival. The bonds of brotherhood and heritage become stronger.”, Hon’ble Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha said at the inauguration ceremony of Kharchi Puja Festival and exhibition today.

The Chief Minister also added that the last day of the festival i.e. July 20, 2024 has been declared a holiday as this year’s Kharchi Puja festival and exhibition started on a Sunday holiday. This initiative is for the pilgrims to enjoy the Kharchi fair well. On the occasion, Chief Minister said that the main theme of this year’s Kharchi festival and exhibition is ‘green is the future’ which is very significant and relevant. Incidentally, he recently mentioned the matter of planting 5 lakh trees in 5 minutes in a program in the state. The Chief Minister said that during the Rajanna era, kings used to respect and worship nature.

MLA of Khayerpur Ratan Chakraborty delivered the welcome speech on the occasion. Hon’ble Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Transport and Tourism minister Sushanta Chowdhury, MLA Ram Pada Jamatia, MLA Dipak Majumder, Old Agartala Panchayat Samiti Chairman Biswajit Shil, Social activist Amit Kumar Nandi and many other dignitaries were present in the event.

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