January 24, 2025


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NAAC Peer Team Visited Dharmanagar GDC.​

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The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) team comprising of three members as Dr.​ Majalody Shivarama Moodithaya, Chairperson, Dr.​ Sumpam Tangjang, Member Coordinator and Dr.​ Dipesh Chandra Bhagabati, Member visited to GDC, Dh­armanagar on 8 March 2023. The NAAC peer Team has been welcomed by college fraternity in a grand ges­ture.​ Their journey at college started with Principal’s presentation sharp at 9:00 am on day 1 fol­lowed by meeting with all the HOD and HoD in charge of all the Departments at 9:45 a.m.​ After that they visited all the departments and some of the Cell/Center of the College and also had interactions with Alumni, Parents, and Students of the college.​

The day 1 visit was ended with a colorful cultural program org­anized by the cultural subcommittee of the college.​ On day 2, they visited Boys hostel, Adopted village, establishment section, IQAC and remaining cell/ center including Day care center.​ The visit of day 2 ended with an exit meeting between NAAC peer team and all the staff of the college. The Chairperson of the peer team appreciated and applauded the organizer and all participants.​ On day 2, they visited to Boys hostel, Adopted village, establishment section, IQAC and remaining cell / center including Day care center and inter­acted with concerned responsible people.. The visit of day 2 ended with an exit meeting between NAAC peer team​ and all the staffs of the college.​ In the me­eting, the members of the peer team had their views and poin­ts on their visit and experiences with few suggestions.​

The Chairperson and other members handed over the report to the Principal in charge of the college.​ The Principal Shri Gautam Das also assured them to comply with the suggestions.​ The meeting ended with the vote of tha­nks by Dr.​ Raghuna­ndan Das, Coordinator, NAAC committee.​ On 10 March the NAAC has declared the accreditation result and GDC, Dharmanagar has been accredited with a CGPA of 2.76 on a seven point sc­ale at B ++ Grade wh­ich is highest Grade in Tripura in 2 cycle.​ The faculties of the college are very much delighted on this result and happiness is flowing all around the college.

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