September 12, 2024


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Rajendra Reang Of TRP & PTG DLC Chairman Visited Projects In Karbook.

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To evaluate the standard of departmental different implemented projects of the indigenous Reang PTG beneficiaries of Karbook under Jatanbari TR range the TRP & PTG DLC chairman Rajendra Reang has visited their projects and interacted with the local Reang beneficiaries today (9th November, 2022). The DLC chairman Rajendra Reang has exchanged views with the Reang beneficiaries of Karbook and investigated their projects like mango, rubber, arecanut etc and checked the project related advantag­es and disadvantages. He has motivated the PTG Reang beneficiaries over their pr­ofitable fruit and rubber cultivation and advised them to take proper care of their project to create a good family income source.

The chairman has investigated miscellaneous PTG schemes available in Karbook. He met with the beneficiaries of rubber, areca nut, mango as well as other project and enquired over their project income. The chairman has provided inspiration to Reang beneficiaries and provided them essential tips to foster their harvest progress.​

Sources said that proper farming method trainings have been provided to these Reang beneficiaries to manage their projects respectively. The DLC chairman has created awareness amidst the local Rea­ng beneficiaries over their project mana­gement. He has motiv­ated the Reang benef­iciaries and gave th­em assurance that if they maintain these project with care and sincerity then it would be a good sou­rce for their family income.

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