The inhabitants of East Taicholong VC under Ampinagar RD block Gomati Tripura have blocked the Teliamura Amarpur road here in Taidu demanding new ration shop installation in their village. As per the local report, East Taicholong village does not have their own ration shop. The inhabitants of East Taicholong collect their ration from other VC where they face inconvenient circumstance for distance. The villagers had appealed to concerned authority for ration shop installation in their village. Today the villagers have staged road blockade in Taidu when they came to know that the administration is trying to install their ration shop in Barumukhi village which is disadvantageous for the majority population of the East Taicholong village so they have blocked the road demanding to change the decision of the administration of this ration shop installation. They have claimed the authority should install the ration shop in a suitable place where the villagers of East Taicholong can have good advantage to avail ration commodities even in rainy season. Sources said that Debshankar Jamatia, food officer, Shibshankar Chakma, the Amarpur food inspector, DCM Samir Debbarma along with Ampinagar additional BDO Tajim Chakma and other affiliated officials have arrived in the blockade point and interacted with the excited villagers. The villagers have submitted their demands to the concerned officials and the officials have given positive response to the villagers. Then after getting positive response from officials the villagers have withdrawn their blockade.
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