Ananda Marga Pracharak Sangha has organized a three day Yoga Sadhana Shivir and Seminar on Spiritual and Social Philosophy at College Tilla, Ananda Marga School, which was concluded on 16th July.
Acharya Tanmayananda Avadhuta, Central Secretary, Ananda Marga Pracharak Sangha spoke on said topics. Acharya Tanmayananda Avadhuta Said that Society is the collective movement of a group of individuals who have made a unanimous decision to move together towards a common goal.” When the members of a society come to a unanimous decision, “Weʼll move together, weʼll live together in good times or bad,” then their collective movement is known as Samaj or society. Some may have moved far ahead; some may have lagged behind. Some may be unable to walk due to pain in their legs. Some may have fallen on their faces. Those who do not even care to look after their companions trailing behind them are not worthy to be called members of society. The proper thing is for all members of the society to move in unison; and while moving together, each member should feel a responsibility for every other member of society. Those who are unable to move must be carried so that the rhythm of the collective movement remains unbroken. What do we see today? In some homes people are rolling in luxury; in others people are dying of starvation. One section of society is breathing a free atmosphere of light and air while the major portion of society, perhaps 80% of the population, has been kept confined within their four walls. There are various undesirable social discrepancies like this. Even if there is no acceleration in our speed, we will have to bring with us all those people who are moving slowly or who have lagged behind. If, while moving with all, my speed decreases somewhat, this will have to be accepted. But we must move together; this is the Supreme Truth. Those who wish to move together with all require sufficient physical and psychic strength. It is not enough to move alone, you will have to take others with you, and for that you will have to acquire additional strength. You must prepare yourself to do spiritual practice and reach to your destination.
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