The police of Amarpur Birganj police station again achieved great success in the campaign against drugs. The police of Amarpur Birganj police station arrested two youths along with brown sugar by carrying out a raid in civilian dress on the basis of a tip-off in hospital Chowmohani area on today. The police managed to recover about 39 brown sugar quotas from them. An NDPS case will be taken against them, said a police officer.
As per the report, the police had advance information that several youths were selling various drugs in the area for several days, and accordingly, this success of the police was carried out on Sunday. On the other hand, youths are addicted to drugs in the entire Amarpur subdivision city area. Therefore, the success of the police could save the youth society from the hands of drugs. The two arrested youths are Amarpur BMS former president Pintu Ranjan Das recently who has spent three months in jail in such cases. On the other hand, another person is Mithun Das, a resident of Town Shankar Palli area of Amarpur. The local people have expressed satisfaction over the appreciable achievement of Birganj Police station.
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