To focus over the better achievement a felicitation programme has been organized in group centre today. On dated, the 28th February, 2023 this felicitation programme was organized at GC CRPF in Adarani, Agartala, Tripura West. Shri Ravideep Singh Sahi, ADG CRPF as chief guest felicitated the winner of Best Adm. Battalion Trophy, Best cost effectiveness and Best financial discipline Battalion Trophy, DG’s Commendation Disc/Certificate and ADG CRPF, Tripura sector commendation certificate for Assembly Election-2023 in Tripura State.
The programme was attended by All Ranks of CRPF & esteemed Media persons, Shri Ravideep Singh Sahi, ADG CRPF, who is appointed as State force coordinator for Assembly Elction-2023 in State of Tripura, also felicitated various Ranks of CRPF, State Armed Police for conducting free fair and peaceful voting in Tripura. ADG CRPF lauded the diligence of CRPF deployed at breadth and length of country. He also lauded the agencies/forces involved for free & fair election. The Co-ordination among various forces & civil Administration was exemplary. He urged all Ranks to continue doing good work impeccably and professionally and keep the flag always high. Programme was ended with vote of thanks to Chief guest and all present.
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