September 18, 2024


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Anex Charitable Trust Provided Aid. 

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Ampi, Tripura, 5th of September 2024 : With the generous initiative Anex Charitable Trust authority of Khumulwng relief material distribution programmes amidst flood and landslides victim families have been organized in Takarjala & Jampuijala today. This philanthropic initiative was taken by the trustee Mr. Siddharth Debbarma to decelerate the deficiencies and woes of the victim families staying in relief camps in Takarjala and Jampuijala.

As per the report, relief articles have been provided to 60 families in Takarjala relief shelter and 50 families in Jampuijala relief camp. Sources said, edible articles were distributed like rice, dal, oil, salt, soyabean, biscuits etc amid the distressed evacuated families. The charitable authority has interacted with the victim families regarding their advantages and disadvantages; enquired over their additional requirements. Generous Anex Charitable Trustee Mr. Siddharth Debbarma said to the victim families, ” No one knows when natural aggressive phenomenon may appear. We are human beings and natural disaster is out of our control capability but if we approach unitedly then very shortly this unfavourable circumstance will disappear.” 

Amidst the active volunteers there were Mrs. Reshma Debbarma, vice president of the trust, Rina Debbarma, trust secretary, local XMLA Rajeshar Debbarma. Apan  Debbarma, sub zonal chairman of  Gabardi, and some other social workers have taken active participation in this appreciable distribution programmes. After availing different kinds of relief materials victim families were found cheerful. General public have appreciated the helping initiative of the trust and thanked the authority for their good job.

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