Amarpur, 8th of March 2024 : With the initiative of GDC Girl’s Hostel authority International Women’s Day 2024 celebration has been organized here in Khumulwng Stadium with great enthusiasm and dignity. Under the able guidance and direction of the GDC assistant professor Smt. Maharani Hrangkhawl this international women day celebration has motivated the woman participants and witnessed a appreciable reflection of status and dignity for women in the society. To follow the theme, ‘Invest In Women: Accelerate Progress’ this observation has detected a innovative direction for women. As per the report, a large number of GDC girl hostellers, parents, departmental woman officials, woman police personnel from Radha Pur police station of Khumulwng and college staffs have taken active participation in this women inspiring observation programme. The GDC assistant professor Smt. Maharani Hrangkhawl has addressed the participants and highlighted over the significant status of women in the society. Aiming to create inspiration & awareness amidst the women participants she said, “March 8, observed across the world as International Women’s Day, is dedicated to honouring social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The women’s day also seeks to drive awareness around issues of gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence against women.

First celebrated in the United States on February 28, 1909 in New York City, the event was organized on a suggestion of activist Theresa Malkiel. In August, 1910, German delegates of International Socialist Women’s Conference held in Copenhagen, Denmark drew inspiration from American activists, and proposed to establish an annual ‘Women’s Day’. The other delegates too were onboard with the idea, and saw it as a strategy to promote equal right, as per reports. No date was however specified.

On March 19 of the following year, more than a million people in Austria-Hungary, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland celebrated Women’s Day. Since then, International Women’s Day has evolved into a worldwide day of acknowledgment and festivity. The United Nations started marking the day in 1975, and by 1977, the UN General Assembly had encouraged member states to declare March 8 as the UN Day for Women’s Rights and World Peace. Invest in women: Accelerate progress’ is this year’s theme for the International Women’s Day by the United Nations. Achieving gender equality and women’s well-being in all aspects of life is more crucial than ever if we want to create prosperous economies and a healthy planet.”
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