February 17, 2025


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Kaipeng Christian Diamond Jubilee Celebrated With Gaiety.

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With the initiative of KCDJCC (Kaipeng Christian Diamond Jubilee Celebration Committee) Kaipeng Christian Diamond Jubilee celebration programme has been organized here at Taidu Binandakhaw under Ampinagar RD block in Gomati Tripura. On this auspicious occasion a large number of Kaipeng Christian dignitaries have assembled in the programme venue and shared the jubilee celebration happiness to each other. On the arrival​ of the Christian Priest Fr. Arbok Lyngdoh of Maharpara Parish, Rev Solomon Lalmuanpuia Khiangte of Presbyterian Church Pastor Incharge Tuidu and Rev. Khupsei Khongsai of Binanda Christian Church (KCC) were received by Pu Vanlalkhawm Kaipeng (KCDJCC Chairman). Pa Biaklur Kaipeng (KCDJCC Secy​ ) and Hony Capt.​ Muktaram Kaipeng ( KCDJCC Treasurer ) Taidu and other organizing body and Church elders to name few like Pu Chaizanglal Kp , Pa Zatinaran Kp T.upa Korlianthang kp , Pa Lalsang kp , Thomas Kp Deacon Stephan kp and Datta Moni Evangelist Soita­mani Kp , Deacon Zaoriphau Kaipeng​ and Pa Debnamony Kp Pu Bulpanlian kp Pu Cho­ngnomthang kp Alex Kp Mr Bhumimoni Kp and Mr Debnamlal kp and Nu elders like Pi Sipkaina Kaipeng , Pi Kumsanti Kaipeng Pi Lalkhorang Kp and Pi Hemandan kp and Pi Biyaya kp Pi Mala Pi Boby kp and Pi Hengzosari Kp​ , Pi Anita Kaipeng and many other elders were also present in the programme.

The function with the opening prayer and gospel messages from Rev Sol­omon Lalmuanpuia Khiangte followed by Jubilee song “Aw Lalpa na rosa zara perfor­med by Taidu Jubilee Choir”. Afterwards ribbon cutting and unveiling of memorial stone was performed by Fr.Arbok Lyngdoh in the presence of​ Rev Solomon Lalmuanpuia Khiangte and Rev Khupsei Khongsai in the premises of St. Joseph Catholic Church Binandakhua near roadside and Rev Lipui Betu was also present. The programme went on to second session a Jubilee worship service was held in the Calvary High School Hall led by Pu​ Ramani Kaipeng (Chairman), gospel messages were delivered by Rev Khupsei Khongsai, and then a special number was sung by Pa Lalvensang Kp and the service was concluded by to­gether Lord’s Prayer From the third Session an MC Tv Manfret Kaipeng and Nk Rakili Kaipeng entertains calling​ Choilopar group to perform Kaipeng traditional dance, Elthani maria and group and Pi Anita Rosuthei Kp & gro­up entertained the jubilee attendee​s .The Headmistress of CHS Madam Lalhmingd­angi And Headmistress of Gisela HS Madam Shanti Rani Kaipeng shares their valuable advisory speeches for upliftment of Kaipeng community the need for doctors, officers, IAS, TCS et­c. Fr Arbok Lyngdoh shares gospel messages to become humble and faithful Christi­an and to strengthen​ our faith in God as Kaipeng celebrates​ 60yrs of Christi­anity. Rev Lipui Betu (gospel message pr­eacher in Tuidu Bina­ndakhaw during 1962) recalled the hardsh­ip he face during th­ose days that many Kaipeng refuse to obey God messages and he also thanked the Christians family who​ accepted God mess­ages and celebrating todays 60yrs of Christianity Diamond Ju­bilee in this Village Tuidu Binandakhaw with due respect and dignity.

As per reports, some of the first Kaipeng who took Christian religion in 1962 are Late Pu Binanda Kaipeng and Pu Binansiak Kp and some others in Binandakhaw and Tuidu are­a. During those years​ some Church cum School secretary were Lt Pu Lalziklian Kaipeng, Lt Pu Pealian Kp, Lt Upad​ atte Kp, Lt.Pu Amulyadhani Kp and Lt.Pu Uzirlian Kp. On this celebration gifts like woolen cloths were distributed amidst the old poor people. The programme was co­ncluded by giving vo­tes of thanks and pr­ayer by Mr Zaitinaran Kaipeng after the programme a Diamond Jubilee feast was served to all the attendees

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